Ruapehu Kahui Ako
Ki te kāpuia e kore e whati - We succeed together
Quick Links
Upcoming RKA Events
Ruapehu Whānau Networking Hui
If you are part of the whānau of tamariki who process information or experience the world differently, please feel free to come, chat and find out more about the support that is available.
Ruapehu Kahui Ako Interschool Speech Night
Upcoming Events for Educators
Primary to Secondary Transition Meeting
If you are a teacher of Year 8s, a Principal or SENCO, please come along to this meeting so that we can support learners to transition to College well. See you on Thursday 29th August, 3:30pm (Wk 6, T3), Ruapehu College Meeting Room.
SchoolTalk Catch Up - Module Two
If you are a SchoolTalk Lead or Pilot teacher, come to this meeting to work on Module Two together. Bring along any other SchoolTalk questions you have a get support with them too :-)
Monday 9th September, 3:30pm (Wk 8, T3), Ruapehu College Meeting Room
Sharing Best Practice
This is an awesome opportunity to hear from Primary and Secondary teachers and other professionals sharing their successes in the classroom or field of work. These people adopt evidence-informed practices into their teaching to accelerate and meet the needs of their learners. See the full programme here. Sign up and choose your workshops today!
Sat 19 October, 8am - 1pm, Central Normal School, Palmerston North
Term Four
If you have any photos or videos from RKA events, we would love to see them!
Teacher and Teacher Aide Resources
Link to Collab website
Find all sorts of helpful resources and information linked to RKA Collaborative Learning Opportunities
Assessment kete
ECE Resource
Sharing Site
Need a chat or a bit of support?
You can book a free appointment here
(Choose the Ministry of Education as your employer when you book)
The service is fully confidential
Well-being is so important, and it can touch so many people…
It can affect YOU
It can affect your STUDENTS
It can affect your CO-WORKERS
It can affect your own WHĀNAU
It can affect the WHĀNAU of others.
What school policies, procedures and practices for well-being are in place in your school? What about external resources and support?
Current RKA Focus Areas
Whanau & Iwi Engagement